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Likes to go hiking and ride bikes.

Lives with a roommate

Likes fashion.

Age: 20 years old.

Job: Illustrator

Location: New York, U. S. A.

Goals & Needs

Would like to have a personal assistant to manage her everyday task.

She is feeling overwhelmed with today’s technology and doesn’t know how to manage her everyday task and well-being,


She forgets appointments, finds it difficult to write them on her cellphone, and doesn’t find the right agenda to fit so many activities.

Everyday Activities

Goes riding bikes with her friends.

Goes to events and dance parties.

Eat at home or order food online.

Watching anime.

Changing her looks and makeup.


Wants to be able to manage her free time, her work, and her studying time.

Organize her daily activities and be more productive in a relaxed way.

Hi! My name is Diana.

“I would like to be independent when making my appointments and deciding what to do with my daily activities”.

Diana is blind since she was 16 years old.

She makes her own health-related appointments by phone and with the help of her parents.

Likes to exercise once a month.

Lives with her parents.

Likes to go shopping.

Visual impairment: 90%.

Age: 23 years old.

Job: Non.

Location: Frankfurt, Germany

Goals & Needs

Would like to be independent and have her own freedom.

To feel safe while she is going to health-related activities or appointments and get informed of her benefits. Needs a way to get fit and strong, mentally and physically.


Lacking the knowledge and resources to attend health-related activities and places where she can be attended properly.

Doesn’t have the resources to pay for gyms where she does not even feel welcome because of her impairment. They don’t know how to treat her or prepare for the surroundings. She can’t go shopping alone.

Everyday Activities

Listening to music.

Stay at home and listen to her audiobooks.

Cooking with her mother.

Taking walks.

Brushing her dog.


Wants to meet new people with her same visual impairments and get to do new activities with them while feeling safe in her surroundings.

Organize her medical records and make doctors aware of her impairment.

Be able to shop online.

Stephan has been 50% visually impaired since he was 55 due to an illness.

He lives with his wife. 
He can’t read even with glasses and doesn’t do any sport.
Likewise, he is very depressed and stays at home all day. Never does anything but listen to TV.
He’s put on a lot of weight.
He gets to see some shapes and lights. Furthermore, he never goes shopping.
Visual impairment 80%
Age: 60 years old
Job: Retired
Residence: Berlin, Germany

Goals & needs:
He wants to be independent like before. Make his own doctor’s appointments and go out alone so that he doesn’t have to disturb his wife or family. He wants his family to see him as strong as before. Doesn’t like to ask for help. 
To be motivated to get in shape. Needs a way to feel happier and get off the medication that makes him. Needs to learn to use apps and devices for the visually impaired. 

His life has changed, and he feels unable to get out. People think he is old, but he is not stupid. He just feels a little lost because he can’t see. He finds applications impossible to use.

Everyday activities:
Listens to the television. Stays at home, and goes to the bar. Takes medication to feel happier, relax and sleep.
Stephan has been 50% visually impaired since he was 55 due to an illness.
He lives with his wife.
He can’t read even with glasses and doesn’t do any sport.
Likewise, he is very depressed and stays at home all day.
Never does anything but listen to TV.
He’s put on a lot of weight.
He gets to see some shapes and lights. Furthermore, he never goes shopping.

Visual impairment 80%
Age: 60 years old
Job: Retired
Residence: Berlin, Germany

Goals & needs:
He wants to be independent like before. Make his own doctor’s appointments and go out alone so that he doesn’t have to disturb his wife or family. He wants his family to see him as strong as before. Doesn’t like to ask for help. 
To be motivated to get in shape. Needs a way to feel happier and get off the medication that makes him. Needs to learn to use apps and devices for the visually impaired. 

His life has changed, and he feels unable to get out. People think he is old, but he is not stupid. He just feels a little lost because he can’t see. He finds applications impossible to use.
Everyday activities:
Listens to the television. Stays at home, and goes to the bar. Takes medication to feel happier, relax and sleep.

No motivation. Would like to feel independent by visiting a doctor or health practitioner and having his privacy.

No motivation. Would like to feel independent by visiting a doctor or health practitioner and having his privacy.